5 countries. 25 representations.
“Requiem pour une pensée Libre” (Le Soir et La Libre)
Concept : Josse De Pauw & Jan Kuijken / LOD Production

Les pendus
The new production by LOD (Ghent), “De gehangenen – Les pendus”, in which the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia plays an active part. Five partners from different countries are involved in this international production: KoninkelijkeVlaamseSchouwburg (KVS), Théâtre National de Bruxelles, Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg, Le Maillon Strasbourg, KunstFestSpieleHerrenhausen (Hanover), Vocaal LAB Nederland and Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia.
The Hanged are non-believers who do not tow the line and dare to ask questions out loud. They cannot resign themselves to what is already known and to what is written. They delve into their own research to quench their own thirst for knowledge. No one acknowledges their efforts. They often pay for their curiosity with their life. The musicians of the Royal Chamber Orchestra of Wallonia have staged a composition by Jan Kuijken. A musical story where tensions stem from the interaction between the orchestra, the actors, singers and voice and sound recordings. Two actors and three singers are suspended above the musicians. Josse De Pauw has written for them a recited and a sung part. This show pays homage to all well-meaning visionaries who, because of their convictions, were hanged, martyred, burnt or incarcerated, and tries to provide answers to the question: “Would I be hanged if I think?”